Canonical Requirements

The Code of Canon Law in the Roman Catholic Church imposes many requirements upon the faithful, be they the laity or the ordained.  I remember, before my ordination to the diaconate as well as the priesthood, I had to make a private retreat reflecting upon Holy Orders.

That requirement exists for any priest who is preparing to be ordained as a bishop.  With that in mind, I ask you to pray for our Bishop-Elect, Msgr. Robert McClory, who has begun his canonical retreat today in preparation for his ordination February 11, 2020.

The Diocese of Gary has distributed prayer cards to the all the parishes asking the faithful to pray for our bishop-elect.  I ask you to join us in prayer, especially now as he begins his retreat.  The prayer is:

O Lord, who for the feeding of your flock,
have chosen your servant,
Monsignor Robert McClory,
as a successor to the Apostles,
grant him, we pray,
that as he is ordained
to the Order of Bishops
he may manifest
a spirit of counsel and fortitude,
a spirit of knowledge and piety,
so that, by faithfully governing
the people entrusted to him,
he may build up in the world
the sacrament of the Church.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


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