Each year, at this time, a very strange feeling comes over me. After nine months of a school schedule, there is “that Sunday” when I realize that there will be no school on the following day. All of a sudden, we shift into “summer mode”. Both morning Masses are in the chapel instead of the church since the Mass crowd is small without our students there. The grounds are going to begin to look like something is going on. That something, of course, is our upcoming annual summer festival. We will be kicking into high gear this week as we prepare for that event.
After the festival, the activity continues with preparation for Vacation Bible School. Last year, we rented St. James Church’s parish classrooms for our VBS since large parts of our school were being gutted in preparation for our renovation project. This year, we will be able to utilize more of our school building since air conditioning is present throughout the building.
After Vacation Bible School, we prepare the building for another school year. This year, our first day of school begins on August 15th which happens to be a Holy Day of Obligation. It will be double busy that first day.
There is always activity around our parish. Unlike some places that “roll up their sidewalks” during the summer, we continuously remain busy. But, you know what, I like it that way. I think I would get bored way too quick if I didn’t have anything to complain about . . . um, I mean, to do. 🙂