Vengeance Is Mine, Sayeth The Knee

I shared with you that I thought I probably overdid it yesterday.  Well, I was absolutely correct.

I had a horrible night last night.  I just couldn’t sleep.  My body, though not really hurting, was uncomfortable.  By the time I finally fell asleep, the alarm woke me up.  That doesn’t happen.  I’m almost always awake before the alarm.

The first two morning Masses this morning were difficult for me.  I had to chuckle to myself because there were so many people who told me that they were surprised that I was doing so well and that I was doing so much.  I fake being well pretty easy.  The fact of the matter was that I was sore and exhausted.

After the 8:00 a.m. Mass, I came back to the house to dedicate the day to rest.  I actually fell into two naps and I don’t think I’m going to have any problem sleeping tonight, either.  🙂

Hopefully, tomorrow I will be back on my stride.
