This Is What Makes It All Worthwhile

Do I have some tough days?  Yes.  But, who doesn’t?

Do I still wonder, occasionally, if I made the right choice years ago?  Yes.  But who doesn’t?

Do I look forward to setting all this work aside someday?  Yes.  But, who doesn’t?

Hey, I’m just as regular a person as the next and I have highs and lows, happys and sads.  But, one of the things that make the tougher days so worth it is when someone does something like what happened today.

One of my parishioners, an exceptional young lady, gave me a handmade Father’s Day card.  It made my day.  Thank you, Katie!

Then, another parishioner gave me the following certificate citing me as a mentor to him in his faith life.  That just bowled me away.  Thank you, Ben!

Is the life rough?  Yes.  Whose isn’t?  But is it worth it?  You bet!