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Yesterday, my cardiologist and today, my internist.  Both appointments went well.

I spoke to my doctor today about my concerns regarding the severity of bronchitis that I get with my seasonal allergies.  My bronchitis this spring lasted eight weeks.  He has prescribed a nasal spray for me along with some over the counter meds to begin a couple of weeks before hay fever season this fall.  We’re going to see if that helps me out.  Otherwise, it might be time to see an allergist.

I’ve been trying to watch my weight but it looks more like I’ve simply been maintaining my weight.  I only lost three pounds since I saw him last.  Granted, three pounds lost is better than three pounds gained; however, I have got to try to do better than that.

I am watching things better, though, and that was born out by my blood work.  All my lab results were very good and my blood sugar was better than last time.

It’s so hard to watch the diet.  I remember the Garfield cartoon that states “Diet is die with a t added to it.” 🙂