My Jeep Commander, in the background, was made in 2006. I purchased it “Certified, Pre-Owned” in 2008. Now that it is getting older (11 years old now), I decided that I was going to trade it in for another car before anything major happened to it.
This would be the first time in ages that I actually shopped for a car with the luxury of time instead of having to purchase immediately because my old car “died” on me.
Thus, in that spirit, I have been looking and shopping and, this afternoon, made my way to Bosak Honda in Highland to purchase my new baby (in the foreground), a Honda CR-V. It had a whole 11 miles on its odometer when I took it for a test drive.
I plan to drive this one for a good long time as well. But, for the present, I feel like a teenager with a new toy. I like the feeling. 🙂