Today was a big day, a huge day, a wonderful day, a glorious day! Today was the beginning of the three holiest days of the Church year: the Triduum.
It began at Holy Angels Cathedral at a 10:30 a.m. Mass. That was when we celebrated the annual Mass of the Chrism. At that Mass, the Oils of the Sick and Catechumens are blessed and the Oil of Chrism is consecrated. These oils are used throughout the years at various sacraments.
The Mass also commemorates the Institution of the Priesthood. Each year, the priests of the diocese gather together and renew the promises that they made at their ordinations to serve the people of God in the diocese.
This evening, we celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. At that Mass, we reflected on what service truly is all about: service. As Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, He instructed them that they must do the same. They must learn to be good, humble servants. That is not something easy to learn or easy to do.
The Mass also commemorates the Institution of the Eucharist as, the night before He died, Jesus gave His Body and Blood to His followers and still gives it to us to this day every time we gather around the altar in His name.
Jesus, our teacher and our Lord, has served us and taught us to serve one an other. May that lesson hit home and make us true servants!