I was going to title this blog post, “Hair Raising”, except I realize that I do not have very much hair left. My head is turning more into a “parking lot” than a field of hair. I guess that is another “benefit” of aging.
However, this has been one hell of a year. The capital improvement project that we are in the midst of trying to complete has aged me several years. I have never had to oversee such a project before and have never felt so overwhelmed as often as I have this past year. Couple that with the illness of a few key people in my life and my stress levels have climbed amazingly. There are some days that I wonder how much more I can take.
This next week and a half is going to be incredibly stressful as well. We are preparing for our end of the school year and there is always a lot of activity that takes place in those days.
So, I guess I just need to strap myself in and enjoy the ride, eh? I don’t really have any other choice…