Honor & Award Night

The letter from our principal, Jay L. Harker, says it best:

To the Class of 2018:

This evening we gather to write the last few paragraphs of this chapter in your life, and of your days as a student at Saint Thomas More School.

In a spirit of gratitude and hope, I welcome you to this Honor and Award Banquet for the graduating Class of 2018 of Saint Thomas More School.

It is hard to believe how quickly the school year has passed and come to an end.  I would like to thank you for your faith, trust, and commitment to the mission of St. Thomas More School.  It is your belief in the Catholic education values that help us to sustain our school.

We are here not only to celebrate the past; we are also here filled with hope for the future. You are a gifted class of young men and women. We pray that each of you will truly recognize and put into positive use the gifts God has given to you.

As this chapter comes to an end, blank pages are open so you can inscribe your future events.

In closing, I take this opportunity to congratulate all the graduates and wish you all a happy, safe, and enjoyable summer.  Please be sure to take time as a family to talk, play, and pray together.  Please know you will continue to be in our prayers as you make your journey on to new places.

As always, remember we can do all things through Jesus Christ our Lord,

Jay L. Harker