My doctor’s appointments can be a real burden sometime. I see my internist, cardiologist, and eye specialist every four months. The good news is that my checkups are generally good. The bad news is that my health is of the type that I need to seem them. I have glaucoma and my eyes need to be checked quarterly to make sure the pressure is not too high inside the eye. I already have damage to the optic nerves and, as my doctor says, her job is to make sure that I do not go blind. I’m glad that is her priority!
My internist watches my blood sugar because of my diabetes. When I am good, my numbers are within a good range. When I am bad, my numbers rise. I know that I am supposed to be good; however, I also know that I am what they call a “nervous eater”. When the anxiety level rises, the intake of “bad” food increases and my blood sugar rises. I need to watch myself.
My cardiologist monitors me because of extreme damage that was done to my heart many moons (translated: about twenty-two years) ago when a virus settled in my heart muscle and my immune system killed about two-thirds of the heart muscle to rid itself of the virus. Because of that, I take cardiac meds every day and rely on a pacemaker/defibrillator. I have never been shocked yet and hope I never am; but, that is always a reality.
When I saw the cardiologist this morning, I received another good checkup. I also met with the pacemaker department. They tested the unit and made some adjustments on it. I have 1.7 years left on my battery life. After that, it’s “slice and dice” time as the cardiologist inserts a new unit into my upper chest. I hope the newer unit has an even longer battery life so I do not have to go under the knife until a longer period of time. My present unit will last about two and a half years longer than my first unit did. They are always improving the batteries.
So, for those of you who watch my reports, all’s well. I see my cardiologist in four more months and my internist and eye doctor in three months. I’m off a month because my cardiologist went on vacation four weeks ago. I like having all the appointments done around the same time. Oh well.
P.S. Pulse 80. BP 110/70