
This evening at 7:00 p.m., there was a special Mass at Holy Name Church in Cedar Lake celebrated by Bishop Robert J. McClory.  At this Mass, Steven Caraher and Zachary Glick were Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders.  Admission to Candidacy is when a man formally states his intention to study for the priesthood, a significant step in the journey.  The Church also formalizes its intent to support the candidate as he pursues ordination to the priesthood.  It is a simple, yet profound, Rite in the Catholic Church.

Both Steven and Zach have lived at St. Thomas More for the remainder of their spring session (after students were sent home from the seminaries due to the spread of the pandemic) as well as for their summer assignments.  While here, they launched our live-streaming program for daily and Sunday Masses as well as a Facebook Live weekly series on Wednesday evenings entitled Faith in Focus.  Additionally, Zach spent five weeks out west for his mandatory training for the Archdiocese for Military Services.

This has been a busy summer for both men and I know that they are looking forward to their first year in theological studies.  Four more years to their ordination to the priesthood!

God be with you, Steven and Zach.  You’re both going to make exceptionally fine priests!

Zach Glick                   Steven Caraher