Tonight is New Year’s Eve. Not the calendar year but the fiscal year. Tomorrow begins a new fiscal year and that is why July 1st has always been the official assignment change day in our diocese. It helps with financial records at the parishes to end/begin clean.
That being said, Fr. Declan moved out of the parish today after his last official duty here: the 8:30 a.m. Mass. He spent the day unpacking and settling in at his new assignment where tomorrow, July 1st, he becomes the associate pastor at St. John the Evangelist in St. John, Indiana.
He was only here for two years but, with the fewer number of priests that we have, this next assignment may very well be his last before being named an administrator or a pastor. Kindly keep him in your prayers as he begins his new assignment tomorrow.
While you’re at it, kindly prayer for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. We are looking at many more priests retiring in the next several years and not very many men being ordained.