Tomorrow morning, the members of our parish’s Knights of Columbus will be unpacking the two trucks that are parked at the side of the rectory. The trucks are filled with trees, wreathes, and garland. By the time of the evening Mass, the side lot will look like a forest.
And, even though I am not a fan of Christmas being rushed, I have to admit that the sight of the trees always perks me up.
The sale begins the day after Thanksgiving. If you are interested, the information regarding the sale is as follow:
On a totally separate note, tomorrow, Saturday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 19 at 2:00 p.m. are the final two shoes of our students’ production of Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr. They have been doing a great job and we would love to have you see them and support them. Enter through our school gymnasium entrance. Doors open a half-hour before showtime.Tickets at the door: Adults-$5/Students-$3