Today we remember the cause that got America into “the war”. I say it that way because that is the way that my dad always talked about it. Oh, I know, and he knew, that there were many wars before and after; however, the only war that mattered to dad as personally was the one he served in while in the navy. And, because he was a navy man, Pearl Harbor meant a lot to him.
Before he died, he told me that he wanted to go to Pearl Harbor again, just one more time. He never made it there. So, after his death, I took a cruise out there, stayed a few days and visited Pearl Harbor, and then flew home. I did that to remember my dad as well as to honor all of those whose lives were ended so tragically on this day in 1941.
Now, on this day, I pray — yet again — for peace to finally have a hold in our world. I pray that there will never have to be a reason to go to war again. And I pray for all those who are victims of war and those who have been wounded — physically, mentally, or spiritually — because of their service in the military.