Well, the Third Sunday of Advent is coming to a close. That means — or at least should mean — that we have two more weeks to Christmas. But this year? No. Christmas is only a week away!
What happened to the Fourth Week of Advent this year? Well, it disappeared, that’s what happened to it. Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. And then, in the evening, we will be celebrating the Vigil Mass of Christmas since Christmas is a week from tomorrow.
That is a bitter pill to swallow.
Just when the Fourth Sunday of Advent usually kicks all things liturgical into high gear as we celebrate the last days of the Advent Season, this year, the Fourth Sunday of Advent merely kicks us in the gut.
Will I get over it? Yeah. Will I survive? Of course. Will it do irreparable harm? No way. Because, in the background of my mind, even as I prepare to begin the celebration of Christmas next Sunday, I will be chanting “one more week, one more week”. On December 31st, the Sunday after next Sunday, I will celebrate my morning Masses and then head to Midway Airport for my annual Disney trip.
So, fly as fast as you want, time. I’m going to escape you that much quicker. 🙂
On a more serious note, I use this opportunity to thank the members of our Schola Cantorum for the most beautiful Lessons and Carols service that they hosted at our parish this evening. I look forward to this event each Advent as it is a wonderfully beautiful service and a great way to get into the spirit of the final days of Advent. I was joking with them at their practice yesterday afternoon that they were going to make me cry. They did. Several times. The songs, and the music, are just so beautiful and emotionally moving.
Thank you, as well, to Angie Lorandos, our Director of Music Ministry, and to Laura Javorka, our Assistant Director of Music Ministry, for all the time that they put into this evening’s service. This is the beginning of a “crunch week” for them as well as we race to the celebration of Christmas. This year is a more grueling schedule as we have back to back celebrations: Saturday/Sunday for the weekend Masses and Sunday/Monday for Christmas. I pray that they are able to keep their health strong as Christmas approaches.