Vacation – Day One
That is what my subject line could read. One of the reasons that I like taking long cruises or long vacations is because it takes me a few days, at least, to calm myself down enough to feel as if I am “on vacation”. I finally had that feeling today as I was sitting on my balcony, reading a book and watching the ocean go by.
I thought, this morning, that I was on a Pacific ocean cruise. We have had some pretty moderate swells (twenty foot) that are the left-overs of Hurricane Oscar. Because they were rocking the ship so, they had to drain the pools. The water was sloshing out of the pool and onto the pool deck, causing them to be slippery for passengers to walk on. The captain said that we should hopefully be “back to normal” by tomorrow afternoon.
The swells have made for some fantastic sounds, though, as they have met the ship. Here is a minute of waves and froth as the ship progressed earlier this morning.
When I went up top after breakfast to read, I was met by a pair of swans.
When I went back to my balcony to lounge and read away the morning, I was impressed by the skies, the clouds, and the water. I hope you enjoy some of the pictures of the day.
When you go to bed tonight, do not forget to set your clocks BACK one hour as daylight savings time comes to an end. You get an extra hour of sleep tonight. And because you are changing, well, you’re forcing us to as well. 🙂 We get an extra hour of sleep unlooked for this cruise!
g’night, all. More tomorrow.