For those of you expressing personal concern to me about my vacation hopes and choices this autumn, I thought I’d tell you to quit worrying. I finally decided to see the handwriting all over the wall and asked my travel agent to cancel my cruises scheduled for the remainder of the year (a back-to-back Bahamas cruise and the two week transatlantic.) They are talking about severely restricting people walking around in Nassau and I’m not sure I’d be allowed to fly to Spain to get on board the transatlantic.
So, sad as I am, I’m opting for safety and health instead of chaos and the potential to get sick. I’m sure my doctors would be happy to hear me say that.
Now, next year? I’m not making any cancellation promises for next year. I’m crossing my fingers tight and hoping for the best!
In the meantime, wash your hands, folks. Often. Regularly. And, for God’s sake, put your masks on.