The past couple of evenings, I have been reminding you of the “Month of…” when it comes to October. We have remembered that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Well, October is also one of two months each year dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Specifically, October is the Month of the Rosary.
We remember that in a special way tomorrow when the Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The feast was established in thanksgiving for Mary’s intercession in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 when a fleet of Christians defeated the navy of the Ottoman Empire. The pope had called for a Christendom to pray the rosary as the enemy was getting closer. He knew full well that the defeat of the Christians could mean the destruction of Christianity.
Miraculously, the Christians won the battle and the pope declared the day as a feast of Our Lady.
There are still many battles that are being waged in our world. The oldest — and fiercest — battle is the war between God’s people and the devil. Praying the rosary helps to arm us in that battle so that we may overcome the enemy. Praying the rosary helps us to remain humble. Praying the rosary helps us to focus upon our saving God.