Today is my birthday. On Facebook, my page blew up today. As of this moment, over 400 people have left me messages on my wall with birthday greetings. That doesn’t count the ones that sent me private messages or tacked messages on to other people’s greetings.
I’m really overwhelmed and blown away. As I shared on Facebook, I definitely felt the love today.
I’m also feeling the effects of the weather changing back and forth this week. My sinuses have been doing a dull pound most of the day so I am going to cut this short and get ready for an early to bed since I have a busy day tomorrow with the morning Mass, Funeral Mass, and after confessions/evening Mass. I’ll need to be rested for that.
g’night, all
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I didn’t know. I was too busy remembering 67 years ago, as tomorrow we would have been married 67 years. So I guess the end of October has meaning for both of us! I’m glad you were treated well!