While you may not think so — I certainly didn’t — summer’s over for one group of people: retailers. And that proved to be a benefit to me today.
It’s my day off so I went shopping around for patio furniture for the balcony at my new condo. I looked at several places and the last place was Lowes. Lo and behold, there was a two chair set (rocker/glider with thick, soft cushions) that was on “end of season clearance”. I got the set for an extra 15% off the already end-of-season price. Sure not going to complain about that.
I realize one of the things that I’m going to need to purchase for myself is a good tool set. I don’t need a million tools like Tim the Tool Man Taylor. I just need basic tools that I will need for all sorts of things: a couple sizes of screwdrivers, a hammer, pliers, grip pliers and the like. I’ll turn one of the kitchen drawers into the tool drawer. Doesn’t every warm-blooded American? 🙂
Now that all the big stuff has been ordered for the place, I’m thinking of the little things like the tools. I also want some window blinds especially for the bedrooms. There are shades in the windows but they let in light. I don’t know about you; but, I like to sleep in a room as dark as possible. I’ll probably go for a floor lamp or two as well as end tables and lamps.
I’m going to take my time on some of the stuff. I want to wait for all the furniture to arrive and that won’t be until February. Then I can decide what else I want in order to accessorize the place. Fun, fun, fun.