There has been SOOOOO much going on this weekend and it doesn’t help that the weather is attacking my sinuses and arthritis so. Oh well.
I have been having major issues with my web sites. My provider has my sites on an old server and it is giving up the ghost. I’m scheduled to have my sites updated “in the next couple of years”, but, I can’t wait that long. I am going to be moving my sites manually to their new, more secure server in the next few weeks. This might mean that you will see this blog or other sites disappear for a day or two. No problems. Just construction. The site might also say “new.mydailymusing…” when you enter. That’s all right as well. Just moving to new territory.
If you have a chance, I hope you can make it to our church the next couple of days as we host our Forty Hours celebration. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives as Catholic Christians. It is good to spend time with the Lord and to hear some inspirational talk to boot.
The Eucharist is exposed on the main altar each day after the last Mass and remains there until the end of the closing services which begin at 7:00 p.m. tonight (Sunday), Monday, and Tuesday.