It’s cold. But, at least, I’m safe in the confines of my home (and office) unlike some of those people who spent the night on the side of I-65 which was shut down because of yesterday’s storm and multiple wrecks. The state police said that they could not get enough wreckers out to clear the road. They were shuttling some people to local hotels though the rooms quickly ran out.
Me? I had the morning Mass followed by an appointment afterwards with my synod chairperson. We’re well on our way to planning our next stage of the synod in our diocese and our parish’s particular plan.
At noon, I met with a couple of diocesan officials for a luncheon meeting at Red Lobster. I was happy to go there because it’s a short distance down the road and I didn’t want to go very far. Besides that, it’s Lobster Fest. 🙂
I had the Seafarers Feast. YUM.
Tomorrow’s going to be another busy day. Morning Mass, funeral, confessions, evening Mass. We’ll see how it goes.
Later . . .