Chilled Studios

That’s the theme of this vacation thus far:  chilled.  God knows, it certainly chilled Disney’s Hollywood Studios.  I waited until 10:00 a.m. to leave the resort because it was cold and windy – 40 degrees with a windchill of 35 degrees.

I went to The Studios for a couple of hours, which included lunch at The Brown Derby, and then came back to the resort and my room.  It was too cold to remain outside.  I didn’t want to get myself sick.

Did you ever notice that they put the Cootie game next to the restrooms in Toy Story Lane?  🙂

I don’t have any real plans for tomorrow as I am waiting to see what the weather is supposed to be.  At this point in time, they’re saying it might get into the low 70’s.  I’ll believe it when I see it.