I Get To Be A Passenger!

Well, what a treat!

I have been making ready to prepare for packing supplies for my upcoming cruise.  I was going to take Mass supplies and offer to say Mass on board as I did for our Transatlantic crossing two years ago on the Harmony of the Seas.  I have been writing with many people on our Facebook page and someone had offered to secure altar wine in Barcelona so that I wouldn’t have to pack that and risk having it break open in my luggage.

Well, between all the “planning” going on in the Facebook page, I caught someone’s attention.  He sent me a private message and told me that he was a priest with the Apostleship of the Sea and that he was assigned to the Symphony of the Seas and that he and the Cruise Director had already planned the Masses for us for the Holy Day of Obligation (All Saints Day) as well as the following Sunday.  He said that I do not have to worry about bringing supplies and that I could relax and simply be a passenger.

I’ve got NO problem with that!  Woo Hoo!  🙂

Four weeks from tonight, we will have been on the seas for several hours heading for Malaga, Spain.

Am I excited?


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