What the heck is all this snow and cold? Where did it come from? How long will it stay? What do we need to know? I know that I have had a few evenings talking about the cold weather; but, it is important to know.
Again, I’m reminding you to check on the elderly or ill who may be living alone lest something happen to their heat and they end up in danger.
Now, what is a polar vortex?
If you’re going to brave the weather tomorrow, we invite you to our school for our Open House at the beginning of Catholic Schools Week from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. Additionally, we have a Pancake Breakfast in our school gym from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Come on in, have a great breakfast — and I do mean great — and then walk around and see the school.