“Wind Chills 30 to 50 degrees below zero Tuesday Evening through Thursday Morning.
Sheriff Martinez would like to advise all citizens living in and travelling though Lake County IN that the National Weather Service is predicting a period of DANGEROUS COLD to arrive later on Tuesday 1/29/2018.
The Sheriff is strongly advising that you DO NOT travel during this cold period.
If you absolutely must drive, be sure to be prepared. Dress in layers with heavy outer clothing. Pack food, water, blankets, flashlights and have a full cell phone charge in the likely event you become stranded.
Below are listed warming centers. If you need to go to a warming center but do not or cannot drive, please call 911 and an officer will transport you.
Crown Point – Civic Center 11 S. East St.
Gary – Public safety center – 555 Polk St.
Gary – Hudson Campbell Athletic Facility – 5th and Connecticut St.
Calumet Township – 41st and Cleveland, Gary
Hammond – Jean Shepherd Community Center – 331 JF Mahoney Dr
Lowell – Cedar Creek Township 151 N Freemont St.
Lowell – Three Creeks Elementary School 670 Burr St.
Merrillville – Impact Christian Church 7071 Broadway Ave.
St. John – Town Public Safety Center – 11033 W 93rd Ave.
5 Tips for Winter Driving
Slow Down if you can’t see the road well – Reduce speed to account for low visibility and varying local weather conditions
Adjust speed for traction conditions – In ice and snow, you lose about half of your tire traction so lower your speed by at last that much.
Create space around your vehicle – If you are tailgating, you may not have enough room or time to steer around or slow down to avoid a crash.
Do one thing at a time – When turning; Brake, then turn, then accelerate.
Brake and steer with fluid movements – Pretend there is a wet sponge on the brake pedal and you’re gently train to squeeze water out of it. Also, don’t pull at the wheel.”