I took one of our parishioners out for dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday and to talk about his resumption of college — if, when, et cetera. Ironically, after we placed our orders, he received a text stating that, due to the increasing number of COVID-related cases in Indiana, the University of Evansville will begin classes a week later and enumerated a number of ways that students would be able to take classes (in person, on line, a hybrid version and the like).
As he spoke about that, our server came to the table, overheard the conversation, and discussed her frustration because her college in Indiana is also delaying matters as well as radically restructuring quarters.
The pandemic, in short, is still wreaking havoc on people’s lives and plans. No one seems to have a good grasp of what is happening and what will happen. It’s really sad. We are all looking for normalcy and no one knows what “normal” will ever mean again.
Hang in there, folks. It’s got to get better. It just has to!