The Weather Continues

I really do hate this time of year.  The weather is causing me major problems.  Sinus headaches, post-nasal drip causing coughing while I’m saying Mass, and all sorts of other weather and allergen-related things.  This will last another month before it settles back down again.  Of the many gifts that my mother gave me, I could have done without her allergies. 🙂

On a totally different note, I have made a major life decision: I purchased a residence.  I have five more years to retirement and wanted to have a place ready for myself as well as a place to go to for my days off.  After I sold my condo in Michigan City a few years ago, I lost that opportunity to get away.  I found a condo in Schererville and will be closing on it close to the end of May.

I’m really happy that I will be able to get away on my days off.  Just coming over to the rectory doesn’t do any good as the work always finds me.  If I’m actually away, I can separate myself from all of that and get some much-need stress-reducing rest.

In five years, when I retire, I will have to register at St. Michael’s Church in Schererville as I will be living near them.

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