I have had little if any interest in doing anything today. The weather the past couple of days has been playing havoc on my sinuses and the constant rain all afternoon didn’t help anything any. The only thing it did was keep me indoors. Usually, on Sundays, I’ll go out to grab something to eat for lunch. I generally bring it home with me. Today? I just rustled up some grub from the fridge.
Shhh . . . don’t tell anyone . . . this week looks to be really light so far. I hope I just didn’t jinx myself typing that. 🙂 I hope it remains that way since I am still trying to heal. I will be off of my antibiotics beginning tomorrow and my system can begin rebuilding itself. Hopefully I won’t feel so exhausted once I’m off of the meds. They’re great for getting better but they do so much to me as well.
I will say this. It was really nice being able to celebrate the weekend Masses again. I missed that so much when I was in the hospital a week ago! God is good.