Consecrated virginity is the oldest form of consecrated life in the Catholic Church. It dates back to the time of the New Testament writings. Many of the early Church Fathers wrote tomes about consecrated virginity. Consecrated virgins live their life dedicated solely to Jesus Christ. They stand as a witness and testament to us all that giving our lives completely to the Lord can be, in and of itself, one of the highest forms of life.
Consecrated virgins live their lives not in religious communities as sisters or nuns do but, rather, in the world. As they engage in their daily work, they are an example to all those around them.
This morning, at a special Mass at the Carmelite Shrine in Munster, Bishop Hying celebrated the Rite of Consecration to Perpetual Virginity for Emilianne Hackett, the Director of Religious Education at St. Thomas More Church and School.
Congratulation, Emily. May your faithful witness to the living Lord be an inspiration to us all!