Helping You “Attend” Mass At Home

For those of you following our live-stream Masses at home, we have made the Missalette available to you. All you had to do was come to the chapel foyer, pick up a Missalette, and take it home with you.
At the end of this week, that Missalette will be finished. Please do not return it. Place it in your recycle container at home. That is what we do with them over here.
On Wednesday of this week, we will make available the next Missalette. You may pick one up in the foyer of the chapel (or in the church office if you are stopping in to drop your envelope off or for any other business). The chapel and office both close at 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Additionally, every year, we make a worship aid that contains all the hymns for Holy Week. We will be making one again this year and will make that aid available as a PDF file and place it here on Facebook as well as on our parish web page. Feel free to download the worship aid for yourself so that you can refer to it while “attending” Masses and services during Holy Week and Easter.
I really wish that we could have public Masses for Holy Week and Easter this year; however, the present pandemic necessitates that we stay in place. We might not be able to be in the church building; but, we can keep one another in our hearts and prayers.
Be strong. Fear not. And know that the Lord Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death for us. With His help, we can beat anything — including this present pandemic.

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