This morning, I have to admit that I gave up. When I got to the church for the 6:30 a.m. Mass, everything was going wrong from opening up to getting ready for Mass. Right before Mass began, I turned on my wireless microphone and . . . nothing. It was on, it was on the right channel, and it was not transmitting. I swapped out microphones and began Mass. Ten minutes in, the first wave of storms hit. I just couldn’t believe it. I was thinking about getting out around 9:00 a.m. after my two Masses and wondering what the storms were going to do to me.
After my Masses, I couldn’t leave the office to go to the house because it was raining horizontally. At that moment, I have to admit that I was crestfallen and just wanted to give up. It seemed as if Mother Nature was conspiring against me.
Well, I finally had the chance to dash over to the house to leave. As I was going, I realized I couldn’t find my phone. My cell phone is always with me. I even went back to the office. When I got into my car and started it, the radio indicated that the phone connected by bluetooth. It was somewhere in the car. I finally found it in a shopping bag.
A little over halfway here, I stopped for lunch. When I stopped, my Hilton app indicated that I had a message. I was expecting to hear that the digital key to my assigned room (830) was ready to use. Instead, I found out that they changed my reservation and had a digital key ready for a room on the 4th floor. I called them and told them that I had been assigned a room on the 8th floor the evening before when I checked in and an email was sent verifying it. I was told that my room was released for someone who had checked in. (Hilton does that to people all the time. If someone on a higher loyalty tier checks in, that person can bump others out of their reserved room.)
Well, at that point, I was not going to have any of that. I explained to the person I called that I was almost there, that I had a confirmation email, and that I would hope that they could do something better than the 4th floor. When I finished my lunch, there was another message saying that my digitial key was ready for room 827, just three rooms away from where I was first scheduled. This is one of the views from my room:
That’s Cincinnati across the river from my Kentucky room. 🙂
There is no hot breakfast and no evening reception because of the pandemic. There is no daily maid service as well which really suites me fine. I usually ask them to stay out of the room anyway as I always take care of myself. The breakfast is a grab-and-go sack and the evening reception is now two complimentary tickets for beers, wines, or soda pops. I grabbed two cans of diet coke tonight.
I don’t know how much I will get out this week as it is supposed to storm all week (with the exception of tomorrow). I hope to drive down to the Ark Encounter if tomorrow is nice. I don’t mind being room-bound the remainder of the week if the weather is bad. I figure at least I’m away and have a chance for silence and prayer.
Will catch you up tomorrow on what I was able to do.