I had mini-receptions after the first three Masses this morning. Coffee and donuts for those who came to the cafeteria. I didn’t have any because I was saving up for lunch. 🙂
After the Noon Mass, I came in to a packed gym. There were flowers (forty roses handed to me one at a time as I walked down the school hall to the gym), great food, and a rather poignant video presentation from pictures through the years. Then there were some who gave talks. They really tugged at my heartstrings.
Thank you to all who had a part in last night and today. If your goal was to make me feel special and loved, you succeeded! Thanks to all who came out to share in the celebration after the Noon Mass. I tried to get around to see each of you. If I missed you, please know that I noticed you there and was happy that you attended.
Today, forty years ago, I was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Gary. My life hasn’t been the same since. With Jesus ever leading, I count on His direction as I continue my journey.
One of the priest’s special “duties” is what has been called the First Blessings. Below is a picture of me blessing my mother at Holy Angels Cathedral right after the Ordination Mass. The vestment that I am wearing, that I was ordained in, was made by my mother as was the red vestment that I wore at my Pentecost Masses this weekend. I miss you, Mom.