What’s Your Calling?

Today’s Catholic Schools Week theme was Vocations.  The very important question each and every one of us needs to ask God is, “What do you want me to do?”

I think if all people asked God that question and then tried to do His will, this world would be in much better shape.  The world constantly tells us to ignore God and to embrace the values of the world.  As glitzy and glamorous as they may appear, anything touched by the world will eventually tarnish because it has all be tainted by corruptibility and mortality.

If you are uncertain of your own future, this is the time to ask God, “What do you want me to do?”  If you think you are following His will, ask Him to let you know if you are still on the right path.

Checking with God constantly and consistently is the only sure way to remain on the narrow path that leads to the Kingdom.

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