Oh, if ever there was a day, this would be one. Bob Cratchit said something like that. Since everyone seems to be focusing on Christmas now that Halloween is over, I thought I would get on the bandwagon. 🙂
I began today in the usual manner. Actually, perhaps a bit unusual. I have not been feeling well, so I slept in. I missed Mass this morning. After I woke up, I went to breakfast and then up top to do some reading.
After I read for a while, it was time to explore. I went down to the Main Promenade to fill my pop glass up and then looked up. You can see Central Park through the feature in the Promenade.
I thought to myself, Central Park or The Boardwalk? Hmmm. Boardwalk it was. As soon as you enter the Boardwalk, you see sculptures of horses in various acts of completion. The final horse is ready to go on the carousel.
After I visited the Boardwalk, I decided to go up to my balcony to read. That is always a place of rest and relaxation for me. I open my Kindle and read away. My books are on there as well as my Liturgy of the Hours and other spiritual reading. I love the e-readers. I was always a “real book” person but took the plunge a few years ago. I’m so glad I did.
The other reason I like sitting out on my balcony, of course, is for the calming water going by. Here is another minute of gratuitous ocean.
I did a lot more in the afternoon; but, I will save those pictures for another time. (Hint: Central Park)
At dinner time, I went to the Main Dining Room on Deck Four. Deck Four is the entrance for those of us on My Time Dining. Other decks are for the traditional two seatings. This is the main focal point of the dining room.
After dinner, I roamed the ship and decided to get a couple of evening shots. I hope you like them. They are views of Central Park from Deck Sixteen.
Finally, I got to my room for the night and, when I first looked in, I heard Mancini’s Baby Elephant Walk playing in my head.
We are passing through yet another time zone tonight so we set our clocks back another hour for another extra hour’s sleep. I’m liking this! I’m not setting my alarm for tomorrow and hope for a good, long sleep tonight.
g’night, all. More tomorrow…
[By the way, for those of you who are watching my daily adventure via this blog or on Facebook, we are getting close to “that place” in the middle of the ocean where satellite coverage is spotty at best. I may not be able to post for upwards to a day, depending upon weather conditions. If you don’t hear from me for a day, that’s normal. If it’s a few days, send out the search teams. 🙂 ]