I had the early Masses today so, as usual, by this time, I’m getting groggy and will be going to bed early since I have the 6:30 a.m. Mass tomorrow.
After my Masses, I went to my aunt’s condo to box up her paperwork in preparation for canceling some of her services and turning the condo over to its new owner. I also got ready for one of my aunt’s nieces to come in with some movers and take the furniture that my aunt left to her: her bedroom set, some end tables, a recliner, lamps, et cetera. That finished up around 12:30 p.m.
When I got back to the rectory, I worked on the empty room that was Fr. Corona’s room. There was a lot of work to putting it back together, putting the original furniture in after he had taken his furniture out, and the like. He also came back to the house today to pick up some things that he did not take with him this past Thursday: four suitcases and a lot of clothes. He is now officially out, turning in his house key and garage remote. Can’t get more final than turning in house keys and garage remotes.
I am going to save this blog post, work on tomorrow morning’s daily reflection, and then hit the sack. My body is saying to me, “I’m tired, I’m tired” but my mind is saying, “I’m wired, I’m wired”. I don’t know which one will win.
Hey, for you people who like prayer intentions, kindly remember my boy scouts. They left this morning at 7:30 a.m. for a week’s long camping trip. Like tall mountains that make their own weather, the scouts usually generate a weather related incident or two. Pray that they have a good time and don’t get carried away by tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, or a myriad of other things that they usually seem to cause. 🙂