It was hot today. It got so hot that I ended up making my way back to the Boardwalk mid-afternoon to rest up a bit. I sat on my sofa and then next thing I knew, an hour had gone by!
The skies began very cloudy and overcast this morning; but, by late-morning or early afternoon, the skies were stunning!
I was more than happy to give my thumbs up to the day!
When I was walking through EPCOT, I was met by this bird who walked up to me, turned, and crossed the walkway.
Speaking of birds, these two guys were going their separate ways.
This one seemed to be concentrating on his reflection.
These two were looking for food.
And, you know, the day did take a lot out of me; so, I am going to end my blog post here tonight. Except for one thing:
I had asked you to pray for one of our retired priests, Msgr. John Morales, who had a heart attack a day after surgery. He passed away yesterday afternoon. Kindly pray for the repose of his soul. Funeral arrangements are tentative at this time. I should be able to share plans tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s our last full day here. Friday morning, we check out and head to the airport to our return to cold Northwest Indiana.
g’night, all