Last week, Jean Bados’ family met to discuss her funeral tomorrow. Jean was one of the Environment and Art people in our parish for many years and was the chairperson of the committee for ten years. Because of that, she was hoping that I would allow a couple of things at her funeral. First, the hanging of the Angel banners that we use sometime at Christmas. Well, okay. I guess I could live with that.
The second request was for a Christmas tree to be set up in the sanctuary to remember all her decorating at Christmas and Easter. That was a big no. It just wouldn’t be appropriate. Everybody agreed but it had to be asked since Jean was the one that wanted it.
Christmas trees did make an appearance, though. When I went to the funeral home this afternoon for the wake service for Jean, I went to the snack room for a bottle of water. There, amidst may goodies, was a platter of, you guessed it, Christmas tree cookies baked by one of the Art and Environment volunteers.
A wonderful job, Katie. I’m sure Jean was pleased. And, for the record, they are absolutely scrumptious! 🙂
❤️❤️❤️ In honor all the cookies she baked and I ate throughout the years, it was the least I could do.
I’m glad you enjoyed them as well!
That was a very touching thing to do, Katie. As always, so proud of you!