No, I’m not a runner. Never have. Never will.
However, this weekend, after coming home from vacation Friday evening, was a marathon of work for me. Yesterday was uber-busy and then last night and today I had to preach at all the Masses as well as celebrate three of them. I had to do this because this was CSA Weekend and it was incumbent upon me to talk about the Catholic Services Appeal.
After I locked and alarmed the church at 1:15 p.m., I was met by some friends and we all went to Chinatown for late lunch/early dinner.
I’m back home now and, to be honest, feel like I have just hit the proverbial wall. I’m SO glad the marathon is over but am already psyching myself up for tomorrow because it’s going to be another long day.
I think I need a vacation. Wait a minute, didn’t I just get back from one? 🙂