An Update On My Fall

Okay, the down and dirty.

When I fell yesterday, I heard something pop. I was afraid I damaged my knee.

Well, it’s official. I did.

I told the doctor I hoped that it was going to be a good bad and not a bad bad. He laughed and said he never heard that before.

Then he looked at the x-rays of my knee and said, “Yeah. It’s a good bad.”

When I landed on my right knee, I fractured the kneecap in two places. That was the bad news. The good news was that there was no chipping and no complete break so no surgery is necessary.

They were waiting for insurance authorization for a knee brace. I was to go in next week to have it fitted and I’ll be in it for 4-6 weeks at least.  However, the office called me back two hours later and said that the insurance approved the brace so I go back tomorrow to be fitted.

I’m to rest the remainder of this week and next week. I might be able to return to work the weekend off February 8/9.

The doctor ordered pain meds for me as well as an antibiotic so my scraped up knee doesn’t infect.

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