Not Quite Yet

It’s only been a few days since I took a tumble and fractured my right knee cap in two places.  A few days.  To me, it feels like a month.  At least.

And since it had been so long (in my mind), yesterday, I decided that I was going to take less of my pain pills.

Mistake.  I spent the afternoon hurting before I realized it’s only been a few days and this fracture thing is still very new.  So, I took my meds before I went to sleep and actually slept quite well last night.  When I woke up this morning, and the meds were wearing off, I decided that this was not yet the time to be a hero and skip my pain meds.  Therefore, today was much more tolerable than yesterday.

I make a horrible patient, especially when I’m not sick.  But I know that I need to take this at the pace my body needs.  Since I’m not a teenager anymore — yeah, when did THAT happen?! — I’m promising myself that I will rest as I’m supposed to do and try to build my strength back up.

I don’t know if it’s the toll on my body (my bruises are starting to show up quite brilliantly, by the way) or the meds or a combination of both, but I am tired a lot.  I nap during the day and sleep really well at night.  That.  Doesn’t.  Happen.  I normally do not nap and my night’s are a toss up between wakefulness and sleep.  Again, I guess that’s my body saying that it needs to take some time to fix itself.

Go for it, body.  But can I ask a question and maybe even a favor?  If you’re going to want a lot of rest to repair the kneecap, can you maybe grow a little hair on the top of my head as well?  🙂

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