They say you never quit learning and I’m finding that to be the case. Throughout these past few days, I have come to realize that I don’t heal as quickly now that I am older and a bit health-compromised. That’s a bummer. I have also learned — or, rather, had reinforced — that I go stir crazy when I am forced to stay inside and away from work.
I will confess to cheating a bit. Thank God that I can connect to my office computer from the house. I have been able to do some essential work. I don’t do it too long as I am supposed to be keeping my leg up in order to keep the swelling down. Sitting at my desk at the house to work at my computer, my leg is down. I’m not one of those people that can work on a laptop situated on my lap. If I tried that, you would see the laptop whizzing out the window of the house. 🙂
I’m getting better and more hopeful day by day, though. I will be taking this week off as well as this coming weekend. I hope to return to celebrating Mass next Monday, February 10th.
Thank you, Carmelite Fathers, for covering all the Masses, anointings, and other parish essentials for me while I’m laid up. You truly are gifts to me and to our parish.