Last night, I said that I had eaten at the “first of many” Christmas meals. That was actually false. The first one was yesterday morning. Our parish pastoral council had its monthly meeting and, afterwards, our annual Christmas potluck. There was so much food there! (A lot of the leftovers are waiting for our faculty and staff tomorrow in their dining room fridge.)
After eating until relatively stuffed, someone said, “Well, we’ll be doing this all over again tonight.” I said, “Tonight?!” I had somehow thought the Knights of Columbus Christmas dinner was this coming Saturday and not yesterday. So, last night, I ate again. And slept in my recliner because I was so full.
Then, today, I was in the school gym for the annual Boy Scout Christmas luncheon. They had a cornucopia of food there, so much, you could feed a battalion of soldiers and still have leftovers. Needless to say, I am stuffed again. I didn’t even eat dinner tonight. The lunch is going to carry me through until tomorrow.
This evening, our parish hosted the Munster High School Chorus for a seasonal concert. There were many Christmas songs in the concert as well as other wonderfully beautiful music. It was nice to see so many parishioners in the chorus, contributing their wondrous voices to the mix. Thanks, students, for helping us put the season in perspective with such uplifting song! I have to tell you, those students really “rocked the house”. I was just blown away by the talent in front of all of us.