Unless my math is totally screwed up, three sets of twelve apostles would equal thirty-six apostles. Well, that’s how “old” I am today in priest years: three sets of twelve apostles! 🙂
I was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Gary on Saturday, May 28, 1983 by Most Rev. Andrew G. Grutka, D.D., the first bishop of the Diocese of Gary. I cannot believe that it was thirty-six years ago — though sometimes it feels like three hundred and sixty years.
I have had many assignments in those past thirty-six years that have taken me from an academic environment to the inner city to a rural setting to secure lock down facilities (Indiana State Prison and Lakeside Prison). I would never have imagined myself doing the many jobs that I have been asked to do and would probably have never had the opportunity to do as much had I not been ordained to the priesthood. I cannot imagine a job in the secular world taking me to as many places in as many different capacities.
I am very thankful for my call to the priesthood and hope that the Lord will be pleased with what I have accomplished . . . at least pleased enough to let me off of the hook for some of the other things I have done! Hey, we’re all human and we all make mistakes.
Below, you see me giving the “first blessing” to my mom after the ordination Mass at Holy Angels Cathedral in Gary, Indiana. You might be interested to note that the vestment I am wearing — the one in which I was ordained — was made for me by my mom. She was very special.
CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you for sharing your thoughts and the picture. And thank you for all you have done in the name of Jesus, Father. I’m sure He is pleased!