Working On My Resolution

I made a New Year’s Resolution for myself and I am doing my best to keep it.  As I get older, I realize that I have much less energy than I did as a youth.  No surprise there.  🙂

So, I made a resolution that, unless an emergency prevented me from doing so, I would take my day off each week.  I had an urgent call earlier today and went out to anoint someone.  After that, though, I headed off to my condo where I have spent the afternoon and will be spending the night.

I need to do this much more often so that I can be more able to meet the needs of my parishioners.  For the vast majority of my priesthood, I have not taken days off.  There were many years that I did not even take the vacation time that is allotted us.  Now, I am starting to pay the price for that so, as I say, I will be attempting to take my days off with more regularity.

I told some of my staff this morning that today was the perfect example of why I would not take a day off in the past.  When I had a condo in Michigan City (which I sold almost three years ago), if a winter storm watch was published, I cancelled my day off because I was not going to spend the night there and not be able to get home the next day because of snow and ice.

Now that I have a condo in Munster, if we have a storm, it might take me five minutes to get back to the parish instead of two minutes.  That’s negligible.

So, I’m going to sign off now and veg out a bit with the TV.

g’night, all

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