We were a few priests short and a couple late for the penance service tonight. As I knew this morning that this was going to happen, I set things up early and went into my confessional at 6:15 p.m. to begin hearing people’s confessions as they arrived to the church. I figured I could get a jump start on the 7:00 p.m. time. I also asked the two deacons helping to direct traffic to ask the priests to begin hearing as soon as they arrived as well.
Doing thus, seven of us heard until 8:15 p.m. Not bad. We had almost two hundred people come for confession. Now we start the downhill slope to Easter weekend. It’s going to get busier and faster as we slide downhill.
When I was a young priest, I used to look forward to celebrating Holy Week. Now, as I am older and tire easier, I have set my sight to surviving Holy Week! 🙂
Where’s Gloria Gaynor when you need her most?