Today was a holiday day for my parish staff. After the 8:30 a.m. Mass, I locked up the building and then went to my office and worked. I wrote some daily reflections and queued them up to send while I’m away on vacation January 1-13. Then I did some other office work. It was peaceful and quiet. It was a government holiday as well so there were no mail deliveries or other deliveries. Just peace and quiet to get my work done.
At 1:30 p.m., I made my way back to the rectory and warmed up “Round Two” of my Christmas meal. Friends brought food over for me yesterday for Christmas. Actually, I just typed that wrong. I should have typed friends brought FOOD over for me yesterday. There’s enough for four healthy-sized meals. Round Two was today. Rounds Three and Four will be later this week. 🙂
After my meal — which, by the way, served as both lunch and dinner — I did some internet surfing on my home computer and vegged in front of the TV after that surfing YouTube clips/shows/movies. I have Premium so they’re not chopped up with ads.
So, it was a holiday day today but also a work-at-my-own-pace work day. I got a lot done and rested a lot as well. I’m looking forward to another good night’s sleep before the work day starts for real tomorrow.
Oh, speaking of sleep, I told several people yesterday — and even posted it on my Facebook status — that I was going to go to the house after the Noon Mass and take a nap since I was operating on about 3 1/2 hours of sleep. That was my plan but when I got home I decided that a nap would end up being a longer sleep and mess up my sleep schedule last night. So, instead, I stayed awake and watched television after my Round One meal. I went to bed a little early and got a full night’s sleep. So, as I say, with another good night tonight, tomorrow should look promising!
I hope that you all had a good Christmas with family, with friends, or by yourself. Christmas Peace, Love, and Joy to each and every one of you.