The weather today was much better! The storms the other day were absolutely nuts and the heat the other days was awful. Today seemed, in many ways, “just right.”
That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a busy day. I had morning Mass followed by a funeral Mass followed by a lunch appointment, followed by office work, followed by a wake service in preparation for a funeral tomorrow followed by opening the church for a wedding rehearsal and then locking and alarming the church an hour later when they left.
Tomorrow morning I have Mass followed by a funeral followed by marriage prep, followed by an eye doctor appointment. I need to get my eyes refracted for a new prescription for my eyeglasses. It’s been several years and things are beginning to get out of focus out there. 🙂
Afternoon confessions and evening Mass follow my return from the eye doctor appointment. Sunday, I have the 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Mass and then I leave for the week for a private retreat. I need that week to rest and pray and rest and pray and, did I say, rest?
All’s well today that ends well. g’night