Ah, “reality check”, that would be.
You know what really frosts me? I’ll tell you. Liars and bullies. I have found, in my many years, that they almost always go hand in hand. Liars inevitably bully people in order to have them accept their lies.
But, it doesn’t work.
No matter how many times a person tells a lie, it is still a lie. It’s just that simple. If you tell a lie ten times, it is still a lie. If you tell a lie a thousand times, it is still a lie. If you always lie, it will never be the truth.
Many people lie because they do not want to own up to what they have done or because they want to make themselves out to be someone they are not. The only problem is this: a lie will always catch up to the person. It is always best to “take your lumps” initially than later when a person pays the price for compounded lies.
You may wonder what has prompted this rant tonight. I could say, “Nothing”, but, that would be a lie. 🙂 I just get tired of dealing with people who cannot distinguish between the truth and a lie because they have lived a lie too long.
One of the reasons I get tired of it is because those kinds of people usually harm others as they “take them hostage” to their lies. People end up acting on other people’s behalves because they have been lied to and then end up looking like — and feeling like — incredible idiots when they find out that they have been duped.
Let’s all try a little honesty and integrity today, eh? It will do the world a lot of good because, truth be told, the world needs to have people start setting good examples for others to follow rather than bad examples.