They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I don’t know if I have a thousand words about these; but, I picked a few random photos from the past year to share with you.
Imagine my delight when I saw my tulips mutating this year. We have had some deep orange tulips next to yellow tulips. This year? Voila!
A student’s dream: to put a cream pie in the pastor’s face! 🙂
I was a Chef Mickey’s at Disney’s Contemporary Resort this past January. Dinner has gone to the dogs!
I wasn’t going to perform in last year’s musical; so, the production crew found another way to “include” me in the show. Imagine my surprise when I saw the backdrop for The Music Man and realized I was now the owner of a saloon.
Last year, at the annual Deacon Anniversary Mass:
(l-r) Deacon Dave, Deacon Joe, Deacon Dan, and Deacon Napoleon.
Instead of a doctor making a house call, a priest (me) made a hospital call for the son of two doctors. Will, right before being wheeled in for surgery to fix a rather damaged ACL. He did not look this chipper post-surgery, that’s for sure. 🙂
Now that I’m the diocesan administrator, I should have this picture enlarged and framed and hung in the diocesan pastoral center to remind the employees that there’s a new sheriff in town.
Even though I dress the part, I still can’t paint!
One of my MCs tried to make me laugh as I washed his foot at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday evening. It almost worked.
Wonderful!! I can’t pick out one to be my favorite. (and they think priests don’t have much of a life.) Do you have a favorite?
Of these, I think it would be the split tulip. I’ve seen tulips that have changed from one color to another; but, never in the middle like that! 🙂